Spousal Support Enforcement Attorney

Virginia Divorce Attorney Helps Enforce Spousal Support Agreements

Arlington, Virginia Family Law Takes Spousal Support Agreements Seriously

In Virginia, the parties can determine spousal support through a settlement agreement, or the court can set the amount of support that will be paid, if any. Support may be awarded to either party of a divorce, based upon the following factors:

  • Earning capacity, obligations, needs, and financial resources of the parties.
  • Education and training of the parties.
  • Standard of living established during the marriage.
  • Length of the marriage.
  • Age, physical, and mental condition of the parties.
  • Contributions made to the family by each party.
  • Property interest of the parties.
  • Provisions made regarding the marital property.
  • Tax consequences to each party.

If spousal support is specified in an agreement signed by both parties, it cannot be modified unless the agreement contains a provision allowing for later modification. If a Judge set the spousal support award, either side can later petition for a modification by showing a substantial change in circumstances, but the paying spouse cannot merely stop paying spousal support without consent of the court.

Enforcement of a Spousal Support Order

Once a party is awarded spousal support in Virginia, they are entitled to court enforcement of the order. If the spouse refuses to pay a support order, Virginia courts have the power to order that the spouse’s employer deduct the appropriate monthly amount due from the employee’s paycheck, and to pay that amount to the spouse entitled to receive the support.

Contact an Experienced Virginia Divorce Lawyer Today

If your spouse is threatening to withhold spousal support and you need help enforcing your settlement agreement, contact Virginia Attorney Claudia J. Zucker online or call (703) 596-1005 to set up your initial consultation today.